Urban Farm | Circular Economy | Food System
Tanjong Pagar Plaza, 1 Tanjong Pagar Rd, Singapore 082001
Reimagining food production through circular agriculture
Reimagining food production through circular agriculture •
The project aims to reimagine urban food production through the method of circular agriculture, hence creating 'circular' farms. These 'circular' farms argue that farms of tomorrow should not just be about growing crops, instead, they should involve a circular loop of the entire food system, from 'growing' and 'harvesting' to 'consuming' and composting'. This project serves as a prototype of spatial imagination for these so-called 'circular' farms in the tropical Singapore context.
(+65) 83861778
Eddie is an aspiring spatial designer with roots in Myanmar. A proud Asian, Eddie advocates for Asian-ness in design. A believer of vernacular architecture, Eddie values good spatial design that celebrates native elements while being climate-conscious. Eddie's creations represents his dedication to both celebrating Asian-ness and promoting ecological responsibility.